Tulane EWB

Tulane Engineers Without Borders

Transforming a sanitation problem into sustainable solutions

Our Mission:

Sustainable Sanitation

Working with the community of Sokode-Ando, Ghana to construct boreholes to access clean water and build compost toilets to transform biowaste into fertilizer.


Project Ghana

Tulane Engineers Without Borders (TEWB) has partnered with local NGO Humanity and Community Development Projects (HCDP) to help transform the public health landscape in Sokode-Ando, Ghana.

By designing and implementing sustainable sanitation solutions, we aim to reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, enhance overall community hygiene, and lay the foundation for improved public health.

This project will be developing, testing, and installing purpose-built composting toilets. This innovative and inexpensive solution will be replacing open defecation practices. Thus reducing waterborne diseases, converting waste into a sustainable agricultural resource, and fostering long-term health and environmental benefits at a minimal cost.




Tulane University Article

Tulane engineering students travel to Ghana for sanitation project

“Tulane’s Engineers Without Borders USA Chapter put vital sanitation needs at the forefront in Ghana, bringing composting toilets and clean water to Sokode-Ando.”

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Our Impact

Tulane Engineers Without Borders (TEWB) will raise $100,000 via fundraising for the construction of composting toilet facilities. These facilities will be strategically placed in communal hubs and residential areas, ensuring widespread access to hygienic sanitation. By reducing the spread of waterborne diseases and promoting better hygiene, we hope the project will have a lasting impact on the community's health and overall quality of life. Project Sokode-Ando is poised to be one of our most impactful initiatives, creating a model for sustainable development that will serve the community for generations.

Our fundraising events will provide the Tulane and New Orleans community an opportunity to give, and our members an opportunity to develop invaluable experience in collaboration, engineering, and generosity.


construction begins

Our team plans to return to Ghana in August 2025 to begin construction on phase one of the composting toilet facilities: the schools, medical clinic, select single-family homes, & a processing facility



Residents in need of Clean Sanitation

With your help, this project will provide a sustainable, lasting sanitation solution to families in need.



Fundraising Goal

Together we can help make positive change.

Volunteer opportunities

For opportunities to get involved with Tulane University’s chapter of EWB, Please email any of our executive leaders below:

President: Lily Baughman lbaughman@tulane.edu

Vice President: Trevor Kaskade tkaskade@tulane.edu

Make a Donation

Make a donation. Make a difference. Share to help 350 families build a clean future.